Tachograph and driver card readout made easy

Comply with legal obligations throughout Europe with ease - also available for the Version 2 smart tachographs (Gen2V2)

Works in 3 easy steps

Compatibility with all tachographs, including Gen2V2

Simple data transfer over the app

Legally compliant archiving of data

Quality and security made in Germany

Ready for the Version 2 Smart Tacho ?
Go the easy way with TachoEU

From 21 August 2023,  all newly registered commercial vehicles over 3.5 tonnes must be installed with Version 2 smart tachographs. This will cause problems for your clients, since conventional download keys cannot read out these version 2 smart tachographs – not without costly updates.

Unsure of what to do if your vehicle readout with the download key in the Version 2 Smart Tacho (Gen2V2) no longer works? We have the simple and cost-effective solution – read out tachographs and driver cards with TachoEU.

Read out your tachograph in just three steps

Illustration of reading out tachograph and driver card with download key

Insert the "TachoKEY" download key into the tachograph

Visualisation TachoAPP

Start up the TachoAPP and enter your e-mail address

Visualisation of data transmission in the TachoAPP

Transmit readout data to the TachoEU portal automatically

Your data is stored securely in our in-house data centre in Germany.

Read out all tachos including Gen2V2 with ease

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Are you a truck dealer, have a vehicle workshop, or are otherwise in contact with companies that own trucks?
Offer your customers the TachoEU-Service.

Reading out smart tachographs:
Our solution – your choice

We offer you two simple, quick ways to read out Version 2 smart tachographs: Pick the option that suits you best!

1. Reading out tachographs and driver cards with your own hardware

With your own download key, you have all the readout options at your disposal and can set readout intervals yourself within the legal deadlines.

Independent of service provider opening hours

Read out from within your own company

Provide the service to colleagues and receive commission

Illustration TachoKEY

Buy the download key

Get your own TachoKEY for reading out the tachograph (also Gen2V2) and driver card straight from our shop.

Illustration Online portal TachoEU

Register in the portal

Register at portal.tacho.eu and create your account to ensure the legally secure archiving of your data.

Visualisation installation TachoAPP

Download the app

Go to the Google Play Store and install the TachoAPP on your mobile device. The app can also be installed on multiple devices (free of charge). As soon as the app is available for iOS, you will find out here.

Illustration of reading out tachograph and driver card with download key

Read out and you’re all set

Simply follow the instructions that come with the TachoKEY. Insert the TachoKEY into the tachograph and pair it with the TachoAPP (you'll only ever need to do this once). The readout and transfer of the data to the TachoEU portal will start automatically – sorted!

2. Reading out tachographs and driver cards with a provider you trust

We are building a Europe-wide network of truck dealers, workshops, motorway service stations and many other locations, so that you can read out directly with the supplier you trust, without the effort. You will find a TachoKEY at each station and the information needed to read out with it.

Don't have a service point with a TachoKEY near you? Suggest our solution to your trusted provider or become the first service point in your region yourself.

Cost saving: no need to buy your own hardware

Readout on the go

Automatic transfer and archiving of data

Illustration Online portal TachoEU

Register in the portal

Ask your trusted provider for a login link to the TachoEU portal. Create your account using the invitation link sent to you.

Visualisation installation TachoAPP

Install the app

Download the TachoAPP from the Google Play Store and install it on your mobile device. The app can also be installed on multiple devices (free of charge). As soon as the app is available for iOS, you will find out here.

Illustration steering wheel

Drive to the provider

Now take the vehicle to be read out directly to your service provider. Do not forget the company card and driver card!

Illustration of reading out tachograph and driver card with download key

Tachograph readout

Get the TachoKEY (download key) from your service provider and connect it to your TachoAPP (you'll only ever need to do this once). Then simply insert the key into the tachograph, enter your e-mail address in the app and you're done! Your data from the tachograph and driver card will be automatically read out, encrypted and transferred to the TachoEU portal.

Costs – transparent with no hidden extras

Option 1: Read out the Smart Tacho Version 2 with your own hardware

TachoKEY (one time per unit) €139.00
Online portal registration fee (one-time) €30.00
TachoAPP free
Monthly costs (online portal) per driver card* €2.00
Monthly costs (online portal) per tachograph* €3.00

View Shop

Option 2: Readout the Smart Tacho Version 2 with your service provider.

Online portal registration fee (one-time) €30.00
Using your provider's TachoKEY free
TachoAPP free
Monthly costs (online portal) per driver card* €2.00
Monthly costs (online portal) per tachograph* €3.00

*Notice period of 2 months to the end of the month

All costs are net costs, excluding shipping and VAT.

FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions about the Version 2 smart tachograph

When will the Version 2 smart tachographs be installed?

The deadline is 21 August 2023. From this date onwards, according to the Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/1228 (based on the EU Regulation No. 165/2014), an intelligent version 2 tachograph (Gen2V2) must be installed in newly registered commercial vehicles weighing 3.5 t and over.

Do I need to retrofit my vehicles?

It depends on how the vehicles are being used. By 31 December 2024, all vehicles > 3.5 t with analogue or digital tachographs in cross-border traffic must be converted to Version 2 smart tachographs. Commercial vehicles over 3.5 t with Version 1 smart tachographs  have an deadline to convert by 21 August 2025.

Note: Commercial vehicles between 2.5 and 3.5 t in cross-border traffic are also subject to mandatory tachographs from 1 July 2026 and must have Version 2 smart tachographs.

Will anything change when reading out the new tachographs?

Yes, existing readout hardware will no longer work with the new devices. Due to new encryption protocols and other technical changes, existing download keys and other readout hardware cannot read out the intelligent Version 2 tachographs.

Do I need new hardware to read out?

Many providers are not prepared for the Version 2 smart tachographs. It is your legal duty as a business owner in commercial transport to comply with the readout deadlines – therefore you will either need a hardware update, which is usually subject to a charge, or another solution.

Do I need to exchange driver cards?

No. New driver cards with a higher memory capacity will be available from August 2023. However, there are no plans for a compulsory exchange of driver cards; existing driver cards and company cards will retain their validity and can also be used with the Version 2 smart tachographs.

What happens if I have a vehicle with a new Version 2 smart tachograph and cannot read it out?

In this case, you are at risk of facing fines - as a business owner in commercial transport, you must ensure that you can fulfil your legal obligations at all times. This includes the regular read out and legally compliant archiving of tachograph and driver card data.

What does the notice period of two months to the end of the month mean?

Active termination is not required. If data from the tachograph or driver card is uploaded to the portal, the current month and the following 2 months are chargeable (due to data retention obligations). You can find the monthly costs in the price table above. If no more data is transferred to the portal after this period, there will be no further costs.

Headquarter of DAKO GmbH in Jena, Germany

Quality and data security made in Germany

Quality German development and many years of experience with digital tachographs stand behind TachoEU, the solution for easy readout of tachographs. As a tachograph pioneer, DAKO GmbH has been developing intelligent software and hardware solutions for the transport industry since 2004, with a focus on tachograph data management. As one of the first providers, DAKO was able to read out digital tachographs and archive the data. To this day, we stand for future-oriented development and do everything we can to provide our clients with economical and efficient solutions.

Get ready for Smart Tacho Version 2

Order TachoKEY now